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Allergy Drops (Sublingual Immunotherapy)

Beyond Symptom Relief: Experience Allergy Relief with Allergy Drops

If you are one of the more than 50 million Americans that suffer from allergies then you understand the daily struggle. Your headaches, itchy eyes, cough, and breathing problems are all symptoms that something is wrong. Allergy medications help control these symptoms, but what if it was possible to move beyond symptom control and start treating your underlying allergies?

Allergy drops are an immunotherapy treatment plan that works to retrain your body’s immune system and gets to the root cause of your allergy problems. Real and lasting allergy treatment is safe, affordable, and available to you right here in Richmond. See how allergy drops can take you beyond symptom relief and experience what allergy relief can do for you.

Living in the Allergy Capital

According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation, Richmond is the seasonal allergy capital of the United States. Our mild temperatures and beautiful landscapes make this an ideal place to live, but they also contribute to very high pollen counts. Our community reports high levels of dependence on allergy medication to manage symptoms year-round.

Are your allergy symptoms getting in the way of your life here in the River City? Do allergy symptoms leave you exhausted, unable to focus, and prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest? Do you depend on allergy medications to control symptoms? If so, you may want to experience the freedom that comes from treating your underlying allergy issues.

Let the professional team at Richmond Breathe Free Sinus and Allergy Centers help you take control of your allergies with a treatment plan that gives you long-term relief without the inconvenience.

A dropper bottle filled with a drop of liquid.
Check out what allergy drops can do for you

Richmond Breathe Free ENT Pollen Tracker

For today's allergy report, enter your zip code below.

Provided by pollen.com.

Immunotherapy Options

Immunotherapy is not new, in fact, it has been safely used for more than a century to help treat allergies. It works by slowly exposing the body’s immune system to trace amounts of the unique allergens that you are allergic to. As the body gets used to these substances, the immune system learns to respond to them normally and allergic reactions are reduced. In some cases, allergies can be eliminated.

An immunotherapy treatment plan is fully customized to your allergies. A comprehensive plan is developed based on your detailed allergy testing and your unique profile. This plan will safely address the allergens that your body attacks.

Once your allergies are known, you have the option to choose from two immunotherapy treatment plans: allergy shots or allergy drops. Shots and drops are both safe and effective and provide long-term relief. You can pick the treatment option that works best for your needs.

  • Allergy Shots deliver the treatment solution through a small injection that is delivered in the doctor’s office weekly. These shots are safe and are administered under close medical supervision.
  • Allergy Drops are a modern alternative that uses a small drop of liquid under the tongue rather than a shot. Drops are highly effective and safe enough for you to administer yourself at home, at the office, or any place that is convenient for you.

Currently, there is no subcutaneous (shots) or sublingual immunotherapy for food allergies. Both allergy drops and allergy shots are safe and effective for most allergy problems.

A woman in a pink sweater is holding a book.

Are allergy drops or shots more effective?

The answer depends on you. Allergy shots and allergy drops are proven safe and effective immunotherapy treatment options for most allergies. The most effective treatment plan is the one that works to meet your unique needs. Our professional team will answer all of your questions and help you decide which treatment plan meets your goals and fits your lifestyle.

As allergy drops become more available, more patients are reporting high levels of satisfaction in their sublingual immunotherapy reviews. Our patients report that they enjoy the freedom that allergy drops bring to their allergy treatment plan. Here are some of the reasons why allergy drops may work for you:

  • You choose the location
  • You choose the time
  • You avoid the needle
  • You control your schedule
  • You find lasting relief from your allergies

Allergy Drops: Putting You in Control of Your Allergy Treatment

Allergies make life difficult because the symptoms that accompany them impact every part of your life. Whether you are awake or asleep, your allergy symptoms make it difficult to breathe, see, smell, taste, and enjoy all that life has to offer. Symptom control often becomes the first priority for allergy sufferers, but symptom control through medication is far from perfect. Over-the-counter medications sometimes manage symptoms, but never provide total relief.

Allergy drops put you in control of your treatment plan because they help to control symptoms while working to reduce or eliminate the underlying allergy. As your body’s immune system is retrained to respond normally to allergens, you will quickly find symptom relief even as you look forward to allergy relief.

Allergy drops remove all of the barriers to lasting allergy relief. Allergy shots are effective, but the scheduling demands and discomfort often keep patients away. With allergy drops, you will experience:

  • Comfort - no needles are required. A simple liquid treatment solution is placed under the tongue and allowed to sit for 1 - 2 minutes before swallowing.
  • Convenience - no need to miss work. You can deliver your allergy drop treatments at a place and time that is convenient for you.
  • Cost - Allergy drops cost are comparable to allergy shots. Additional cost savings are experienced by most patients when travel time, transportation cost, and loss of work time are considered.

You can have a safe and effective allergy treatment plan without having to schedule your life around doctor's appointments and shot schedules. Allergy drops break down all the barriers to your life beyond allergy symptoms.

Breathe Free and Say Goodbye to Allergies

When it comes to your unique allergies, trust the professionals at Richmond Breathe Free Allergy and Sinus Centers. We will work with you to understand your allergy profile, listen to your long-term goals, and develop a solution that works for you. From comprehensive allergy testing and safe and effective allergy treatment, our board-certified medical professionals will put our expertise into action.

With allergy drops, you can live in the allergy capital without being captive to your symptoms. Call us today and let’s work together to get beyond symptom relief and work toward allergy relief.

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