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Frequently Asked Questions: Balloon Sinuplasty

Get the best answers about Balloon Sinuplasty.

Questions asked by patients like you and answered by experienced providers

Each of the questions below reveals what our sinus experts have to say about this revolutionary procedure.

What is Balloon Sinuplasty (Balloon Sinus Dilation)?

Balloon Sinuplasty may be the right treatment option for you, especially if medications and first line treatments have failed to help resolve your chronic and recurrent sinusitis symptoms and inflammation in the past.

This procedure gently expands your sinus openings and drainage pathways to restore airflow, assists with drainage, and helps to heal. After locating the treatment area and local anesthesia is applied, the physician will place and inflate a small balloon to dilate the treatment area. The balloon is then deflated and removed.

Is Balloon Sinus Dilation (Balloon Sinuplasty) successful?

Absolutely. 96% of patients undergoing a Balloon Sinuplasty procedure have reported a drastic improvement in sinusitis symptoms. Learn more about Balloon Sinuplasty and the results of this procedure by visiting the FAQ page on balloonsinuplasty.com.

Does Medicare pay for Balloon Sinus Dilation (Balloon Sinuplasty)?

Most insurance companies and Medicare cover Balloon Sinuplasty if considered medically reasonable and necessary. To be certain of your level of insurance coverage, contact your insurance provider to find out your specific policy.

What is the average recovery time?

While recovery time varies with each patient, most patients who undergo the in-office procedure can return to normal activities within a couple of days or sooner.

What are the risks?

Balloon Sinuplasty is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery and has a low complication rate. As with any medical procedure, potential risks and complications also exist with Balloon Sinuplasty. Make sure to consult with your doctor to determine if your condition presents any special risks.

Possible side effects can include but are not limited to pain and swelling, allergic reaction to anesthesia or other medications administered during the procedure, some post-op bleeding, etc. There is also a small risk of mucosal/tissue damage from the expansion.

How long does the procedure take?

To allow time for pretreatment preparation and post treatment examination, you should expect to spend around one and a half to two hours in our office. Procedure length is dependent on your specific condition and anatomy.

Are you awake during the procedure?

Balloon Sinuplasty is usually an outpatient procedure. Most patients undergo the in-office procedure with local anesthesia, but it varies from patient to patient.

Are sinus symptoms making you miserable?

If what you thought was just cold is still hanging on, and those antibiotics didn’t resolve your sinus pressure and drainage, your symptoms might be due to something more than a cold. You might be struggling with chronic sinusitis.

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